Water Conservation

Rain water harvesting and groundwater recharge systems have been constructed

Local Made Products

Sourcing of locally grown vegetables, pulses and flour and milk. Use of locally produced earthenware

Plastic Free

Plastic is banned and all shopping is done in cloth bags

Energy Conservation

Use of LED bulbs which helps in conserving energy

Save Water

The district of Jaipur has water scarcity and hence no swimming pool has been provided

CSR Activities

Tree plantation drives, CSR initiatives like construction of toilets

Empowering Local Talent

We encourage the local villagers & artisans to provide their expertise to our guests for eg. mehndi or henna painting, pottery, farm visit, camel cart rides, astrology amongst others

Employment to Villagers

The Owners ensured that local contractors and artisans were given employment during the restoration work and no child labour was involved

Overhead Heating Solutions

Although electric water geysers have been provided, the fact that they are strategically placed in the bathrooms enables us to save on water as hot water is immediately made available and taps are not left running for hot water to come from overhead heating solutions